Important update! Second NOMAD consortium meeting in Lyon!

On June 19 and 20, the NOMAD partners gathered for our General Assembly at the laboratoire_mateis of INSA Lyon – Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon. Which key points were considered during this meeting?

📌 To maximise progress, new concepts has been developed for collaborative research and presented results on surface functionalisation (WP1) and controlled release strategies (WP2) in NOMAD biomaterials.

📌The methodology has been described for in vitro evaluation (WP4) and biomechanical stability testing (WP3) of the NOMAD biomaterials.

📌 External Advisory Board member Dr Yves Bayon, a specialist in the field of medical device invention and exploitation, and detailed discussion has been made about potential regulatory schemes for the NOMAD material advances.

📌 As one of the most important parameter; communication campaigns to engage NOMAD with many stakeholders and share the results of NOMAD (WP6).

📌Talking about our progress in a #teamwork environment full of enthusiasm was amazing. We are grateful to Laurent Gremillard from the CNRS/ECL team in Lyon for organising this hybrid event and look forward to our next meeting!Connect on LinkedIn!

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