The third consortium meeting of NOMAD took place on 7-8 December 2023 in Siegen!

📢 It is a great pleasure to inform you that the third #NOMAD_horizoneurope consortium meeting took place in Siegen on 7-8 December! It was a very productive and collaborative event as all partners of the project contributed with their valuable results. Here’s a summary of the main points discussed during the meeting:

🙌 The consortium meeting started with the latest updates related to the biofunctionalisation of sample surfaces with biomolecule coatings and the design of smart restorations with controlled release feature. Now all partners are ready to build up much more frequent sample transfer traffic for further characterisation and in vitro evaluations! 📦
💬As part of the latest development, biomechanical stability testing of the developed samples has been discussed with all participants and is planned to be carried out from this point onwards. In vitro assays of the developed samples were also discussed in detail and planned with cytotoxicity, antimicrobial activity, complex co-culture assays, tissue regeneration etc. according to ISO-10993-5.
✍ In the context of WP5, Prof. Mariano Sanz (UCM) gave an enlightening training on peri-implantitis and its prevention/treatment. This was followed by the highlighting of critical features that a dental implant should have and how to implement these features in the NOMAD samples with optimal activity. Generating a preclinical in vivo efficacy data set, Prof. Sanz shared his latest findings and informed all partners about the experimental design and implementation of the dental implant samples.
⏰Key communication activities have been planned to engage different stakeholders and disseminate NOMAD results. For example, a workshop will be held in early January 2024, led by one of our partners, Atrineo, to inform all NOMAD project participants and focus on strategies and methodologies to drive NOMAD research projects towards commercialisation, including market research and competitor analysis.
📽 Another important point to mention is that the NOMAD project video production has started under the leadership of Health House and please stay tuned for the release!
🤝 🤙 As part of the professional and social evaluation of the project, a tour of the laboratory was carried out under the guidance of our hosts, and detailed discussions were held between the partners. As motivation is another important factor for the project, Christmas market of Siegen was visited at the end of the first meeting day!
🏢 The update expresses gratitude to Manuella Killian of the CSnM group in Siegen for hosting the event, emphasising the importance of collaboration and hospitality.
📌Looking forward to the next meeting, it seems that the consortium is on a promising path to move the NOMAD project forward!
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